Premier Independent School only established in 2011. With outstanding facilities, dedicated staff, an idyllic setting and an academic and extracurricular programme that keeps abreast with modern trends, Premier prides itself on the excellent, well rounded education it provides.
The Governing Council, Head and Staff extend a warm welcome to all new parents and pupils. We trust that your child will find their school experience both enriching and rewarding and that as parents you will become involved in the life of the School. Together we aim to prepare the pupils for secondary education, and ultimately, for their future success in their chosen work environment.
The success of any school is dependent on the quality of its teachers. Teachers at Premier Independent School are dedicated, committed, and empathetic and have the best interest of each pupil at heart. We strive to educate the children to become responsible, respectful and disciplined members of society and within their communities.
We place great importance on communication and hope that this website will answer the many questions you may have regarding the day-to-day routine as well as the overall operation of Premier Independent School. There will always be further questions and a personal approach is the best way of answering those questions, so please feel free to contact us. We welcome you all to Premier Independent School.